How we can help you with your mould problem

Condensation occurs without proper ventilation is the most common reason dampness occurs within a building. Improved standards of insulation and window glazing results in buildings needing better ventilation to avoid stale air. Without regular ventilation or condensation treatments, living conditions can become unpleasant as mould begins to form, most commonly as black mould growth.

Condensation occurs when warm moist air comes into contact with cooler air or surfaces. Most of us will have seen condensation occurring, perhaps forming on windows, mirrors or tiles after a shower although it can form on any surface under the right conditions. Condensation may not be noticed or concern you until mould growth appears. You may find a musty smell, peeling paint work or wallpaper or damage to clothes and soft furnishings.

Condensation is an extremely underestimated cause of damage to our homes and is almost certainly the most common form of dampness within a building. It is because of this that enquiries regarding condensation treatment are on the rise. This is largely the result of improved standards of insulation, double glazing and draught proofing treatment of properties that all give the benefit of better heat retention, but results in a lack of ventilation and stale air resulting in the need for condensation treatment. Without regular ventilation or condensation treatment, it often results in unhealthy living conditions, unsightly condensation black mould growth, peeling decorations, damage to clothing or fabrics and unpleasant musty damp smells within your property.

You should seek professional advice and treatment should you see any of the signs listed above

Below we have outlined some ‘at home tips’ to assist in reducing condensation:

1) Keep windows and air vents open where possible to maximise air flow.

2) To assist in air flow, try and keep a small gap between large piece of furniture and walls.

3) Try to dry clothes outside to avoid warm moisture being in the building. If using a dryer, try to place near a window or outside door to let warm air escape.

4) Keep pots and pans covered when on the boil to avoid excess steam.

5) As it is cold air that causes warm air to release moisture, try to keep heating levels within your property at a constant temperature, especially in the winter.

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